January 26, 2005


It took a brief while to figure out what to call the store, but then...

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Read the words before the caption...

You might need to be a psychologist to fully appreciate this one, as well as being familiar with 90's pop, but hopefully this one reaches a broad enough audience

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January 23, 2005

Guess The Caption (and Tenille)

Does not follow my own established rules of how these things are created, but I made an exception for his one

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Guess the Caption

Hint: involves one of my favorite shortened prepositions in the English language

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January 21, 2005

A Stretch...

Some people might appreciate this, others, well, what're ya gonna do?

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January 19, 2005

Guess The Caption (Tough One!)

I tried to get this one on paper as fast as I could...

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Guess The Caption

This one has a nice feeling to it, don't you think?

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January 18, 2005

Guess The Caption: Fruit #2

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Guess The Caption: Fruit #1

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Guess The Caption

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January 17, 2005

Can You Guess The Caption?

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January 16, 2005

Can You Guess The Caption?

My wife said this one was a stretch, but her initial reaction is my favorite: puzzlement followed by a pause, then a reluctant giggle, and some comment like "oh, jeez," or "c'mon"

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January 15, 2005

Grass Stains?

Marquee de Sod

My latest "creation," hatched several years ago, and incubated until now, so HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

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January 14, 2005

Punimals Part 2

I'm a cat-person, really!

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Punimals Part 1

Animals don't mind being teased, at least behind their backs, so I take whatever liberties I can before I am visited by some beasties in the night.

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January 13, 2005

Vanna Tea

This was one of the first of these "things" that I did. Not funny, but clever, the type of thing you look at sideways, raise your eyebrows, and say, "oh yeah... good one" or, alternately, "yeah, whatever."

I have also been toying with the idea of making a word game or puzzle out of the concept...

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January 12, 2005

Two of My Favorites part 2

I find that the idea of mocking death is empowering (or at least I used to when I was younger). And yet, some respect is still there...

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Two of my Very Favorites

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January 11, 2005

Skeptic Tank

I'm starting with re-runs, but new episodes are in the works!

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January 10, 2005


I hope to entertain you with some 'toons that I started to compose over 10 years ago. I have several more to add, from my personal archives, and will add more as I become more fruitful (and with sufficient demand)

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